Kevin Grapes has submitted this tip for an alternate method of clamping fuel lines Kevin says some builders use wire ties or thin twisted wire to hold their fuel lines.
I do things differently. I lay a thin ring of solder on the copper tubing and
wipe it down with a cool wet rag to remove the Flux. Cut a piece one size bigger
tygon fuel tubing about 1/4" wide and slip it over the fuel tygon tubing to be
used. Slide the tygon tubing up and over the solder ring at least 3/8", and
slide the retainer ring in place above the solder ring. This type of retention
remains constant, doesn't cut into the line, and doesn't slide out if place.
Use this especially in the fuel tank on the supply lines to ensure they don't
come off. Even better since they don't leave sharp edges like tie straps
Note: This is also a good method for securing the fuel line to the needle valve nipple or the pressure line to the muffler nipple.
The solder bead has been applied to the tube.
The fuel tubing band has been cut to the 1/4" length
Stretching the band over the fuel line using needle nose pliers.
The completed installation of the tubing clamp on the fuel line.